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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.
Model #: CM519099

14 to 15.99 Square Inch Custom Die Cut Magnets 20 Mil

as low as: $0.259(for 10000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
Unit Price
100 - 249
250 - 499
Save 24%
500 - 999
Save 44%
1000 - 2499
Save 61%
2500 - 4999
Save 73%
5000 - 9999
Save 75%
X $1.12
$150.00(One time fee - Pay once, enjoy forever!)
NewTotal Price:
Time to Print img:
Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
6-8 Business Days

Die Cut Magnet Dimension Calculator

Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

14 to 15.99 Square Inch Custom Die Cut Magnets 20 Mil

Do you want to approach each customer personally? You can easily do it by mailing or handing these 14 to 15.99 Square Inch Custom Die Cut Magnets 20 Mil to them at the next opportunity. If you have been thinking how they will help, let’s tell you that these promotional die cut magnets are guaranteed to stick for a long time. Your recipients will find reasons to retain these CMYK printed magnets die cut over their refrigerator door or work desk. Our prices will keep you covered for artwork assistance and digital design proofs.

Request a quote to know savings that you can make on wholesale ordering 14 to 15.99 Square Inch promotional Die Cut Magnets 20 Mil.

Product Size: 14 to 15.99 Square Inches
Minimum Quantity: 100
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA
Production Time: 6-8 Business Days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected

Art Requirements

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