Limited Time Offer! Free shipping on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Want to grab a right magnet at right time? Need a tour through our website? Want to express your views on product or otherwise? Then you are most welcome!

At, we pay utmost importance to customer relationship management. Our staff will be happier to assist you in a best possible way to solve all your queries regarding products, website, and we are open to suggestions, adulations or criticisms.

We understand that it is very important to serve the customers above their satisfaction, and we have been striving to do the same by offering high quality promotional magnets at cost effective prices with possible assistance. Feel free to get connected in any of the following ways -

You can contact our dedicated customer service team from 8:00am - 7:00pm EST Monday through Friday except the following holidays:

  • Memorial Day - Monday, May 26th
  • Independence Day - Friday, July 4th
  • Labor Day - Monday, September 1st
  • Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 27th
  • Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25th
Mailing Address,
1301 Carolina St, Suite 125A
Greensboro, NC 27401

Contact Form

For all product related questions, please contact us at

For sending your artwork, please write to us at

For comments and suggestions about our website, please write to us at
