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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.
Model #: CM516608

3.5x2.25 Custom One Team New Orleans Team Football Schedule Real Estate Magnets 20 Mil

as low as: $0.121(for 10000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
Unit Price
100 - 249
250 - 499
Save 8%
500 - 999
Save 42%
1000 - 2499
Save 68%
2500 - 4999
Save 81%
5000 - 9999
Save 84%
X $0.813
NewTotal Price:
Time to Print img:
Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
2-4 Business Days

Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

3.5x2.25 Custom One Team New Orleans Team Football Schedule Real Estate Magnets 20 Mil

Custom 3.5 x 2.25 inch one team New Orleans Team football schedule laminate real estate wallet magnets are our best sellers because they are heavily ordered by realtors. This magnet helps them to tap the minds of the viewers with the prominence of the information imprinted against it. It helps them to stride over the niche competition with ease. Newbie real estate advertisers can tap the potential customers by appeasing their game related anxieties in this season. In many homes around New Orleans, this magnet will be retained by viewers in memory of the great/bad sports season they witnessed.

Product Size: 3.5 in. x 2.25 in.
Minimum Quantity: 100
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA
Delivery Time: Based on the mode of shipping chosen

Art Requirements

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