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Model #: CM516943

3.5x6 Custom One Team Memphis Team Basketball Schedule Birds Care Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

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Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

3.5x6 Custom One Team Memphis Team Basketball Schedule Birds Care Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

Personalized 3.5 x 6 inch one team Memphis Team basketball schedule round corners birds care magnets make an unlikely gift for most birds care services, still they are highly favored in this NBA season. These bird care services understand that no other topic can stir waves within minds of onlookers than basketball. People are going frenzy about the match schedules and happily accept every ounce of basketball information doled out to them, so this magnet rarely stands chances of disapproval. Also, they are more likely to retain it as a sports memorabilia, when the season ends.

Product Size: 3.5 in. x 6 in.
Minimum Quantity: 100
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA
Delivery Time: Based on the mode of shipping chosen

Art Requirements

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