How Custom Magnets Fit your Promotions

Custom magnets are often an overlooked yet cost-effective marketing handout that can take your business into potential clients in a very handy way. These full color magnets will keep your message and logo in your line of vision, which is what an ideal advertisement should do.

Still not convinced? Here are some unbeatable advantages of using promotional magnets.

Long term marketing

Most people retain magnets for years on end, which means your message will reach a wider audience group at one time investment . When someone opens their fridge doors, your refrigerator magnets will grab their attention.

Complement the interests of the audience

 These fully customizable full color magnets will offer a lot of options to appease your clients. For instance, you can choose to add a local sport team’s schedule or even a full year calendar with your business’s contact information to make it  match the tastes of your recipients.

Portable Promotions

 Take your brand visibility to a new high with custom magnets printed with your brand and message. Add your logo, message or artwork to convey your message the best way possible without being over whelming. The ability to communicate your message the way it pleases your audience is one of the best benefits of magnets for advertising.

Budget friendly

Promotional magnets are incredibly cost-effective and come at prices starting at a few cents. So, it will make a great choice for mass promotions and events like trade shows.

Easy to distribute  

Light weight and compact, custom magnets are easy to mail out or handout in person. This is what makes custom magnets a  popular choice during conferences and business events.

Fully customizable

Magnets can be customized in such a way that it meets and exceed your expectation. Whether it is artwork, or message, anything will look great on these full color magnets. Apart from a great design, you can also choose to add QR code or discount coupon to pique easy interest among the audience.

High visibility

Likewise, custom magnets enjoy high visibility as they occupy prominent and accessible locations like fridge doors or filing cabinets. Your contact details will thus remain in plain view of the audience every time they open their fridge doors or walk past it . The best part is that magnets are non-intrusive, making people more receptive to your message and engaged with your brand than other forms of advertising.

Effective Marketing

Conventional advertisements like print or TV ads have only a very short shelf life at an exorbitant cost. However custom magnets that get stuck on metallic surfaces will remain highly visible for a long time. Thus when compared to other custom giveaways , logo magnets will definitely make unrivaled impressions for your brand.

 How do you plan to use custom magnets in your promotions . Share your thoughts with us on our facebook page.

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