Custom Magnets That Any Business May  Find Useful

Gone are the days when most people used to think of magnets as a toy or a fun item that attracts metals. Magnets evoke nostalgic childhood memories in everyone as most of us have spent hours on end watching magnets repel and attract each other.

Today, magnetic devices are being used in every niche. From computers and television screens to hospitals and Space Stations, magnets have thrown open the doors of opportunity.

Magnets have even become marketing items these days. Offered in a wide range  of curious shapes and sizes, these magnets can be customized with your brand and message to make marketing items.

Magnets are perfect if you are looking to post up signs and displays easily around your office or warehouse. Car magnets will take your promotional message outdoors and make movable billboards for your brand. Available in a wide variety of sizes, these portable signs are much easier to put up and take down without damaging the surface of your vehicle.

Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil Square Corners Square Corners

Calendar magnets are something that everyone needs for their home , office or even on the move. Choose from a wide range of shapes and sizes to match your theme. While your recipients get a handy calendar your brand will get 365 days of display at one investment

Refrigerator Calendar Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

Business card magnets are a smart way to network and get your contact information front and center on their fridge doors or filing cabinets of your prospects.  Your customers will have the dual advantage of having a convenient spot to pin up their shopping lists plus your contact information in plain view.

Restaurant Business Card Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners

Back to school promotional events are in full swing. Schools and educational institutions looking for  back to school swag will find  custom school magnets a great buy. Choose from a wide range of models like business card magnets, school calendar magnets and contact magnets among others.

The kids and teachers will surely love the themed  magnets in various shapes that align with the fun of school life such as pencil shaped magnets or school bus shaped magnets among others. Engage the students, teachers and parents with your message and increase your goodwill in a subtle way. These interesting, full color magnets will  make word of mouth publicity too, which  can be beneficial in the new school year.

Pencil Shape Magnets 20 Mil

Picture frame magnets are a clever way to make your message part of the life moments of your audience. They will cherish your brand as much as their snapshots that these magnetic frames hold. The most effective promotions are the subtlest. Engage your audience with your brand without any  marketing pitch with these logo magnets

Heart Picture Frame Awareness Magnets 25 Mil

We have  custom magnets for every business and every event. Shop right away

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