Custom Real Estate Magnets- Impressive Brand Promotions at Low Investment!

Real estate market is highly volatile and competitive and to stand out in the market, advertisers need to find promotional gifts that are budget friendly and effective all at once. While traditional marketing methods like billboards or flyers may fail to leave a lasting impression, custom gifts like real estate calendar magnets will keep your brand and message right in front of your audience for a very long time.

3.5x2.25 Custom One Team Dallas Team Football Schedule Real Estate Magnets 20 Mil

Think beyond gifts with low shelf life

Real estate advertisement materials like brochures and notepads lose their charm easily. However real estate magnets enjoy a long retention and help you to keep your brand right in front of your customers for a long time. Whenever a customer thinks of buying a property, they will take note of these brilliantly colored custom magnets that bear your brand and message. Apart from enhancing the plain fridge doors into something attractive, custom magnets will make an interesting conversation topic among anyone who sees it.

Your customers will find it handy as a hold up for their reminders and recipes. On an average, fridge doors get opened around 15-20 times every day. So, you can easily imagine the exposure that your brand will get on these logo magnets! The reason why magnets make potent marketing tool is its low cost per impressions. They continue to make consistent impressions for a very long time without making any repeat investment.

In a highly competitive real estate market, where different players strive to grab the attention of the customers these high visibility magnets will make a great billboard that remain right in front of the audience unlike many other gifts.

Choose from an impressive list

Real estate magnets can be employed for different types of real estate advertising. If you are planning to attend a real estate tradeshow, real estate business card magnets or home shaped refrigerator magnets will make a great choice. Needs a novel way to announce your upcoming project or a grand opening? Settle for these attention-seeking real estate car magnets that will give wheels to your promotional message.  Sports schedule real state magnets is an interesting way to engage your sports crazy audience and to celebrate the sports season. It is a smart and subtle way to ensure consistent impressions without any marketing over pitch. Every time your recipients look for their home team game schedules, they will see your brand image.

Shaped real estate magnets like helmet shaped magnets will make great game day souvenirs and collectibles as well. Calendar magnets will earn 365 days of brand visibility to the users and by the end of the year, your audience will develop a strong loyalty towards your brand.

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